Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 54

This week I will be helping at camp attitude. Camp attitude offers a free week of camp for disabled kids. This week will definitely be different from my past weeks.
Please pray for me that I will have the physical strength to make it.
Please pray most of all that I will learn what God has to teach me this week.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 46

Thanks for praying for me. Let me try to recount what has happened in the past two weeks.
The first week was Camp Risen Son Jr. High week. The speaker was Tim Engstrom and he did a very god job letting God speak through him. The theme was 'A heart for God' and we studied the life of David.
I was in a cabin with six Jr High boys and one assistant cabin leader (Peter King). I was really praying that God would work in the hearts of my campers. We had a great time together playing games and going polar bear swimming in the mornings.
At the beginning of the week I wasn't sure how they were doing spiritually. As time went on I was encouraged by two of the guys in my cabin.
One of them was a newer christian and the week was a big help to him. He was so excited about the Lord and he eagerly wanted to keep in touch so we could pray for each other.
Another of my campers was praying at the fireside on the last night. He shared with me how he wanted to live differently for the Lord. It was so helpful to me to see God answering prayer and working on hearts even in Jr. highers.

The next week was high school week. Darrin Ratcliff talked about a heart for God as seen in the life of David.
The messages were really encouraging to me personally and I know God use them in the camper's lives as well.

One of the guys in my cabin shared at campfire about how he had rededicated his life two years ago and he encouraged others to do the same.
Another wrote a song capturing what he had learned during the week.
There is not enough space here for me to write all the ways God was working during high school week, but overall I was lifted up by the spiritual growth I saw there. It was a great week.

This is probably one of my last camps for the summer. I have been challenged and I'm looking forward to the ways God will continue to use me throughout the school year.
Please pray that God will guide and direct me whatever I do.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Here's me and my cabin (plus one kid that just happened to be in the photo) at Fir Point Jr. High camp.

Day 32

Yay, I'm home. Let me tell you about my week.
I had nine campers and one assistant cabin leader. At first I wasn't sure if we were going to get time with each camper, but the week went very well.
Last week I asked you to pray that God would save one of the kids in my cabin. Praise God, He did!
I am so stoked! During our devotions one night we all went around and shared our testimonies. I was assuming that everyone was saved until it got to Randy. He shared how he had recently started attending a youth group, but that was all. That night I started praying that God would provide and opportunity for him to put his faith in Christ.
Randy had a hard time listening in chapel so he started reading his Bible. He was a fast reader and in only a few chapel sessions he had read through the book of Matthew. One night the speaker gave an invitation and encouraged the campers to talk with their cabin leaders about receiving Christ. Randy talked with my assistant cabin leader and he shared with me the next day that he had prayed to receive Christ.
As the week went on we were able to continue to encourage him and he was halfway through Mark when he left. Praise God for His saving work.
Although they were already saved, the other guys in my cabin were challenged to renew their walk with the Lord. You can pray for them that they would follow through.

This next week I will be going up to Jr High week at Camp Risen Son. Please pray that God would challenge the kids in my cabin. Jr. High is such a formative time.
Please pray that the campers would not be distracted from what the Lord is trying to tell them.
Please pray that I will learn what God has to teach me.
Thank you all so much for praying for me.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 25

I'm spending the weekend here at the camp with about eight other people. Last week went amazing. Thanks you so much for praying.
God was really working the the hearts of the kids in my cabin. He was challenging me as well. Please pray for these campers as they go home that they will have the strength to live a new life. Some of the guys in my cabin came from some pretty hard stuff and going back will be difficult.
Please pray for this next week as i work at Fir Point's Jr high camp. There will be about three times as many kids so it could be a stressful week.
Pray that we as staff will not just be crowd control, but that we would be able to communicate on a meaningful level with the campers.
Pray that God will work in their hearts like He did last week.

Praise God that one camper accepted Christ last week. It was such an encouragement for me to hear. The counselor shared with me how the camper had been asking a lot of questions. He shared the gospel with him and then decided that the Lord wanted him to wait, so he didn't pressure the kid into making a decision. Later that night the kid pulled the counselor and his dad (who is also a counselor) aside and said he wanted to pray.
Again, they didn't force him, or even lead him in a prayer. Instead they waited an awkward thirty seconds before the kid poured his heart out to the Lord. It was such an encouragement to me to hear that.
Pray that I will get a chance to see someone come to the Lord in my cabin this week.
Thanks so much for praying.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 22

My third day at Fir Point. My official duties are lifeguard and assistant cabin leader. I wasn't sure at first if I was going to make it into a cabin, but I'm really glad God has put me here. He has blessed me this week with an awesome cabin leader. He's about my age and on fire for the Lord. I've also really been encouraged by the messages and challenged to draw closer to the Lord even here at camp. Please pray that God would give me the servant heart of Christ. We are focusing on 1 Cor 13 today.
Please also pray that God would continue to work in the hearts of the guys in our cabin. There have been some pretty good conversations so far. Pray that they would continue to open up and be challenged.
Pray for much sleep and good health.
Thank you all for praying for me.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 19

Here's the update. I had a great time working with my two amazing brothers at the Independence riverfront fair. We painted faces and shared the gospel using the wordless book. It got a little crazy at times, but I was thankful we went. One little girl prayed to receive Christ and another teenager seemed very close.
Tomorrow I will leave for Fir Point Bible camp. I will be there for two weeks. I don't know yet how much I'll be able to update, but please pray.
My first week is Jr. High week. Please pray for the campers in my cabin.
Pray that God will be able to speak to them through me and that I won't just be offering my own advice.
Pray that God would work in my heart as well to draw me closer to Him.
I will be a lifeguard, so pray that I remember my training. Better yet, pray that I don't have to use it.
Thank you all so much for praying for me. It has made a difference.